Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thinking about....

Have you ever done something and then totally regretted it... looked up some old friends and didn't like what you found...or have you ever thought back on a certain time and wondered if you had said something or done something it would have changed how everything turned out.
Or maybe you look back at certain friends and wonder what happened???
Maybe you wish you could just go back to those times, when everything seemed to be so simple...and your friends were just like you..... What happened????

I miss ya'll.... and if I could go back and say something.....or show you how much I cared about you again.... I'd do it!

Even though I can't go back.... and I don't know why we grew so far fast....

But I'm still praying for ya'll...and thinking about ya'll....and missing those times we had...
Hope God is blessing ya' He is me.
I hope that someday you'll come to realize that God loves you...and you'll start living for Him again.

1 comment:

GodisSoGood said...

I know exactly what you are talking about! God is good and I hope they see that thru my life!