Saturday, August 22, 2009


We found the Coolest game!!!! Mayberry-opoly!!!!! You know I love Mayberry!!!!:)
Around here it's like a'' have to love'' thing... a man in our church asks everyone, do they like Andy Griffith...and of course everyone does. I wish life was like the Andy Griffith Show... it would be so simple! Bethany wants to get this game for her Birthday, which is coming up soon! I got to see our friends from Mayberry this week, they were down visiting some family and stopped by our Church for Wednesday night service... it was great to see them again...Don't worry Ben, your family didn't act that weird...
they remind me of my family, funny times!


Calvary said...

Looks and sounds like lots of fun!

A Sister Through Christ

p.s. I really like your blog! I'm now following and can't wait to get your updates!

Lindsay said...

Oh, how fun, Rebekah! I love Andy Griffith too. It's such a classic show! :)


Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

My cousin Jonny ( aka: Jonathan )would win that game hands down. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, looks like fun! They are making so many different versoins of that game right now, but that one sounds really fun, and I love the name!