Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Princess and the Kiss

I'm a 17 year old young lady .I'm not like most girls my age in so many ways . I'm not dating a bunch of guys ,I'm saving my heart for the man that I will one day marry,not handing pieces of it to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.I'm praying that the Lord will send my man to me, I'm not looking for him ,but I'm waiting and getting ready for him. But until he comes I'm serving the Lord and loving it! Another thing that makes me very different among most 17 yr old girls is I have never kissed a boy.I plan on saving my First Kiss for my Prince Charming on my wedding day. I love dreaming of that day ,I have so many plans for my wedding and I don't plan on ruining them for fun for a little while ,or sin for a season. I want to Honor and Please my Heavenly Father and my Earthly Father by living a clean and pure life, and having a good testimony. Along time ago we found this book that truly explains the wonderful gift God has given us our kiss, and how we should cherish it and save it for the one God has made for us.
The book is called ''The Princess and the Kiss'' by Jennie Bishop.
It's a wonderful story so I thought I'd share some bit's and pieces of the book.
When the Princess was finally grown , the King and Queen
called her to their side.
''We have something very special to give you,'' said the Queen
Up, up, up the royal family went to a secret room in a tower of the castle.
On an elegant table in the center of the room was the same gift given to the princess long ago... The Kiss.
''God gave this gift to you on the day you were born,'' said the queen,
''Because He loves you so dearly.''
''And now,''continued the king,''this kiss is yours to keep...
or to give away, as you see fit.''
The princess stared in amazement . She had never before received such a wonderful present .
''But use wisdom ,my daughter,'' warned the king,'' and save your kiss for the man you will marry. Never part with it for sake of a stranger.''
Many men came ,one by one, to ask for the princess' hand in marriage.
One by one she turned them all away. None seemed worthy of her kiss. She began to doubt that she would ever find a husband.
One night, she spoke with her mother, the queen, about her fears.
''Mama, '' the princess asked, ''will I ever find a man so special that I will be able to give him my kiss?''
The queen smiled, gazing at the many stars twinkling above in the velvet night.
''Oh, yes, my dear. I think God will bring a husband to you. But, if he does not, the kiss will be yours to treasure forever.''
The princess took comfort in that thought, for she knew that God could be trusted, and she cherished the kiss with all that she was.
The next day, a common man came to the castle.
He asked to see the princess.
The man was taken to the royal garden where the princess and her parents were walking among the rosebushes.
The princess' mother and father were surprised. Who was this man?
he seemed common - yet kindness was his manner.
The man looked into the princess' eyes.
''I have worked in your father's fields for many years. I prayed and watched and waited for one who could be my wife, yet found no one . Then one day I saw you walking on the palace lawn. Your beauty was marvelous, and your purity sparkled like diamonds.''
The princess blushed, and her heart began to beat widely.
''I have little to offer you, Princess,...I have no gold. I have no means to travel the earth. I am not as strong as many...''
''...but I do have one very special gift I can give to you.''
This is my First Kiss, Princess,'' said the man. ''God gave this gift to me on the day I was born. My parents kept it for me until I became a man. I have saved it all my life for you. Would you be my Wife?
''Yes!'' she cried.'' Oh, yes, with all my heart!''
The Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after. Soon God gave them a child of their own. And on the day of the precious baby's birth, the wise prince and princess received for their child a very special gift from God...
A Kiss.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Picking Out Our Tree!!!!!

YEY! Today we went to pick out our Christmas Tree, just like we do every year.
How I love this tradition! It officially kicks off the Christmas Season.
But I'm actually pretty tired soooo I'm gonna go ahead and show you the pictures.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.*)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Pics

Guess Who These Shadows Belong To.

Counting for Hide and Go Seek

Trying to find Pecans under the pecan tree

Jennifer and Daddy, Oh and Molly where did she come from?


The Whole Crowd

Hide and Go Seek

Sorry Everybody my Hide and Go seek video just won't work!
I might try later!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope ever one has had a great one.
Me and my family went to my granny's house for thanksgiving, we had turkey, stuffing, cream potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pecan pie(that's pe-can).Yummmm!
It was a big surprise for everyone when Jennifer came in the door,soooo I got the big surprise on video.Me, Katie, Bethany, Molly, Sarah, and Donnie also played Hide and Go Seek.You know you are never to old for Hide and Go Seek, although I think Donnie was alittle to BIG to hide in the Dog House!lol.Jennifer got that on video too.sooo here's some pictures and the videos.

Mama Pretended to Call Jennifer in California So Granny could Tell Her Happy Thanksgiving So as She was Talking to Her, She came in.Surprise!!!!!!!!

Welcome Home Jennifer!!!!!!!!

Jennifer's home for thanksgiving break!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thank You, Lord for...

Saving me when I was 4
Giving a Goodly Heritage
A Godly Daddy and Mama
Giving me a Christian Family
The KJV Bible
Letting me be born in America
Letting me be born in the Best part of the country(guess where that is)
Letting me be born in the country
Letting me be a Preacher's Kid
My Church
Helping me play the piano in church
Giving me more and more opportunities to serve You
Helping me pass each grade in School
Allowing me to Homeschool
Giving Me and my Family Good Health
My Bus Kids
My Piano Students
My Best Friends
The Baby Grand @ Church
My Pink Guitar
Fried Chicken
Potato Salad
White Chocolate Mudslide Coffee Creamer
Baby Ruth Candy Bars
Gerber Daisys
The Wonderful Life God Has Given Me

Monday, November 24, 2008

Old Fashion Sunday

Yesterday was Old Fashion Sunday, one of my most favorite Sundays.
One of the reasons I love it is because I get to dress up!!!!!You know I always love doing that.
It was a really great day,Daddy preached on ''Returning to the Old Paths'' and One soul was Saved!Amen! On Old Fashion Day people bring antiques ,too. So that's really neat looking at all the really old stuff. I brought an old Starline suitcase that my Granny gave me and a couple of old books. Me and my family love to find old books. It is especially cool to find books by
Amy Carmichael or Frances Havergal. We get very excited when we find those!

Well here's some pictures of yesterday's events.

My Old Fashioned Family

Bethany and Molly

One our Bus Girls

Sarah~My old fashion friend

Me and Katie

My family ,(except Daddy is waiting for me on the van
with a bunch of screaming kids.)Sorry~

Some of the Antiques

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Obama's in the Bible

Guess What Obama is in the Bible.It's true.
A man in our church showed us where it is ,and now I'm gonna show it to you~
Psalm 109:8
Let his days be few;
and let another take his office.

Guns,Guns, and more Guns

Today Me and my Daddy went to a hunting lodge to look at Guns!
Our History Club is all about World War II right now so we are learning all about Japan(sammie would love it)and Germany and this time we learned about rifles used in the War.
It was very interesting although only the boys understood all the gun talk like,''bolt action and 22 ,semi automatic ,and 360~'' but it was pretty cool ~even though I didn't get to shoot any of them!lol.The man that taught us, knew his guns. He also taught us the importance of the 2nd amendment and how when they take away our right to bear arms, they take away our right to protect ourselves,our God given right.It really made me want to go out and buy a gun, because I have the right to bear arms ,but right now I'll just leave that to Daddy.
You know I just had to take pictures soooo here they are...

This Picture of Daddy reminds me of something...
A STATUE....You Know...

My Friend April

A Machine Gun used in World War II.
It weighed over 100lbs!

In Line Looking at the Rifles.

Pistols used in the War

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Apple Cider Jelly

Today Me and Mama made some Apple Cider Jelly~
It's soooooo Good! Here's the recipe.

Apple Cider Jelly
4 cups Apple Cider
1 package of Surejell
6cups sugar
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cimnamin
1/8 tsp.ground cloves
Combine red ingredients together
Combine Cider and Surejell together
Then Follow Surejell directions for Jelly.

Me and Mama

Pouring in the dry ingredients~

Monday, November 17, 2008


Okay,I know this video is pretty crazy-I guess my Cherokee blood was coming out that day.LOL!Me and Sarah have done some pretty crazy things but this video is definitely one of the top 3.I'm the Indian, Sarah's the Cowgirl(notice the cowgirl shirt)and after I shoot Sarah her cat comes to the rescue!!!Hope it makes you laugh today~

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Meet My Cousins

This post is for Donnie, Sarah, and Molly the best cousins/best friends a girl could have.
I was looking through my pictures and found some pretty funny pix.So just to show you how crazy they are I'll show them to ya'll.
Hope ya'll don't mind~Remember I Love Ya'll!

This is Donnie ~the sailor

Sarah~the spelling BEE champ!

And Molly~the sweet one=)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran's day! Today I dedicate this post
to all those that serve our country past, present, and future.I especially would like to dedicate it to a very special veteran, and someone I loved very much! My Papa!My Papa joined the U.S. Navy in World War II ,when he was 17 the same age as me. He was the best grandaddy a girl could have,though he didn't talk about the war much, I occasionally heard little stories of how he was running out on the battlefield to pickup injured soldiers and he was shot down. Another soldier ran out and grabbed his end of the stretcher and left him there, he said he thought they were never coming to get him but he was praying the whole time. Finally they came back for him and he had been shot in the leg. Papa was awarded a Purple Heart.
I love saying my Papa was in the Navy. I'm proud to say He fought for our Country. He served in that war that I might be free today. Thank You! Thank You to all who have fought ,bled, and died to keep us free.

Papa and his Mama
Papa's mama wrote him and his 3 brothers a letter
every single day they served in the war.

It's always nice to take a nap after a long, hard, day's work.
(This is my Favorite pix)

Papa and unknown girl~

Papa is the Handsome soldier 3rd from the left,
top row.

My Family

This is my family. Daddy is a pastor ,and Mama is a great homemaker.
My older sister Jennifer is at West Coast Baptist College this year ,
then there is me,
then Katie who is in 8th grade, and Bethany is in 6th grade.
Just thought y'all would like to meet my family.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall Colors Are Here!

It is so amazing how much the leaves have changed in the past couple of days.
I love looking at the beautiful Reds,Yellows, and Orange.
Did I tell you it's my favorite time of year?
I went outside today and walked to the pond behind our house and took bunches of pictures,I could have stayed out there all day ,but of course I still have school.Only a few more months left of that though.
I wish this wonderful fall weather could last forever!!!!

Well I'll stop rambling and let you see some of my fall pictures.








Here's something I didn't see when I took one of these pictures,-
Katie! Can you find her? 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Today being Election Day and our country voting in a new President ,I thought I would put some quotes from past Presidents .Reading these wise words makes you realize why this country is in such a mess.Because we have lifted man up, and brought God down.We have a love for soft-living and we've kicked the Bible out of our government.Our country needs more then a good president and it needs more than a change in government .It needs a Good Revival, and a Change of Heart!Christians ,we need to fall down on our faces and repent and pray for America!
We need to stand for the truth,We need to lift up God and His Word.

President George Washington
His first inaugural address:
It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to the Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of the nations... In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good, I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own... I shall take my present leave ; but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the Human Race in humble supplication that, since He has been pleased to favor the American people with opportunities...
so His Divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views , the temperate consultations , and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.

President Theodore Roosevelt
Defining ''Americanism":
Americanism means the virtues of courage ,honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood- the virtues that made America.
The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love-of-soft-living,
and the get-rich-quick theory of life.

President Abraham Lincoln:
I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book.But for it we could not know right from wrong.

President Calvin Coolidge:
The American Revolution was preceded by the great religious revival of the middle of the eighteenth century, which had it's effect both in England and in the colonies.When the common people turned to the reading of the Bible,...
when they were stirred by a great revival,... the way was prepared.... It was because religion gave the people a new importance and a new glory that they demanded a new freedom and a new government .We cannot in our generation reject the cause and retain the result.

President Ronald Reagan:
Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Donnie Gotta 6 Pointer!

Yey!!!!! Donnie went Hunting today hoping to
get a deer before heading back to Crown, and He
did it!!!!!!!!! A six pointer!!!!! He drove the buck over to my house (with the tailgate down of
course) to show it off and so I could take pix for the blog.He heads back tomorrow ,so be praying for him as he travels.Maybe we can have some Deer stew when you get back,Donnie!Yum!!!!!!!!