Sunday, September 6, 2009

When I Come To The End Of Myself

Serving Jesus within my own power

I was doing all I knew to do But I was not prepared for the hour

when a High Mountain came into few

In my own strength I struggled to climb it but oh such weakness I found

and there on that mountain in darkness I came to the end of myself

And when I come to the end of myself

He'll be there to give me His help

When I said I'm not able He said I am

In my weakness I discovered the Strength of the Lamb

His almighty power I felt

When I came to the end of Myself

Recently the Lord has been really speaking to heart about this subject, and I've been wanting to post about it for awhile. Coming to the end of yourself... Wow this is such a problem for me. Getting past myself, Dying to self. I often want to be praised, or I don't want to do something because I'm worried what someone might think of me.
I try and try to work something out myself, I'll pray and tell the Lord I leave it in His hands...
But in reality I try to pick it back up and carry it myself, Do I think my way is better? I suppose in the past I have thought that, But when you come to that High Mountain, like the song said...
and nothing you can do, none of your strengths or talents can do nothing. God picks you up and shows you His strength and power, and compared to His Greatness our ''Great talents'' that we thought would bring us so far are Nothing.
Sometimes I suppose God puts those mountains there, so we can see that without Him we're not able and we need Him more than anything.
The Blessing of Dying to self, is really we can truly live! Through Jesus we can live the Happiest and Fullest life, if we give our talents, desires, and emotions to Him.
He'll take us and use us in Greater ways than we can ever imagine! I mean if we do we'll be serving the Almighty God! We should serve Him with everything! In other words...I guess what I'm trying to say, Stop Exalting Yourself, What have you done, What have I done... Compared to Calvary!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

great post, Rebekah, I needed that today!
