Monday, January 5, 2009

Youth Sunday

Yesterday was Youth Sunday and it was such a great day!!!
We had two young men preach for us .
Bro.Ben and Bro.Donnie. (You all know Donnie by now) Donnie preached in the evening service and Ben preached in the morning service.(Ben goes to The Crown College with Donnie, and we have known his family for a while).The service started with our Teens singing, and they did such a great job! We also had two of the young men in our church usher for the day, and I played the piano, and Ben's whole family came and they sang.We also Honored three Boys on our Van Route who have come to church faithfully for almost 2 years! It was such a great service! Even though no one got saved I really felt the Holy Spirit come down, and the sermons were such a Blessing to me personally. Ben preached on the ''Pursuit Of God'' and how we should die to self and choose God's will for our life's and not our own. Donnie preached on ''How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?'' How we should choose which side we are gonna be on and not straddle the fence, how we cannot be friends with God on Sunday and the Devil during the rest of the week. I'm so thankful for young people who want to serve the Lord. I hope some of our Bus kids at church will see how wonderful it is to give your life to the Lord , and how young people can do something in the ministry.I love it! I Hope I will always be willing to serve the Lord and will always be able to work in the ministry.

Donnie and Rachael are headed back today, and Ben is going back on Tuesday, so be praying for their safety.

Ben's two brothers, Timothy and Nathan, and His Mama singing

Ben Preaching

The Fundamental Four~

Donnie and Rachael (Sorry Ya'll couldn't get ya'll's video to work)
Oh! Forgot Happy 1 Week Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

Donnie Preaching

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